
May 30
Tabnomous has become a company

Tabnomous was founded in Istanbul in 2019 with a grant support of 35,000 Euros, after receiving the "2nd Best Business Idea" award in the TÜBİTAK Individual Young Entrepreneur (BIGG) Program.

June 15
POC and MVP Process
Tabnomous was accepted to Koç University KWORKS Acceleration Program

We completed the Pre-Acceleration, IOT, Commercialization and Acceleration Programs at the KWORKS Enterprise Acceleration Center within Koç University. We developed our system by participating in real operations in the factories and warehouses of many companies under the roof of Koç Holding.

December 29
Main Product is Online!
AVT: Modular & Wearable Autonomous Operation Kit

After countless algorithms, software architectures, field tests and applications, AVT is ready to be tested in real operations! AVT is a fully wearable autonomous operation system consisting of Control, Trigger and Navigation modules. Our main goal at this stage was to create a kit that can be quickly applied to any brand and model of industrial vehicle, independent of the mechanical infrastructure, and that works flawlessly, and we succeeded! Next up is real field tests, certification and documentation studies to be ready for sale!

June 10
First Sale
First Sale Experience

The first version of the "AVT Modular and Wearable Autonomous Operation Kit", which we brought to the commercial prototype level within 1 year with an intensive work tempo, was purchased by Tedarik Logistics, which manages the warehouses of Yıldız Holding's Aktül Paper Factory located in Sakarya Pamukova Location. In this study, 1 four-wheel forklift was given the ability to work autonomously.

March 1
Sales acceleration
Let the sales begin!

All testing and certification work has been completed. Hardware products have been clarified and scaled. Software security tests have been completed. Our algorithm and autonomous driving software have successfully worked for more than 15,000 hours in a real site environment. Field and after-sales support teams have been established. As of March, incoming and outgoing sales activities have been maximized.

October 10
We have commissioned the largest fork-type autonomous vehicle fleet in Turkey!

We have commissioned an autonomous fleet of 6 stacker type vehicles at Metal Frio's Klimasan factory in Turkey. In operational scenarios designed in a two-floors working structure, the vehicles use elevators, communicate with automatic doors, take pallets from 4-meter-high shelves and perform autonomous driving on routes up to 3 kilometers. It also works fully integrated with the WMS and SAP systems.

December 15
Our Active Autonomous Vehicle Count is 10!

We have reached a total of 10 vehicles in Tedarik Logistics, Metal Frio - Klimasan, Deceuninck - Egepen production facilities and warehouses.

January 23
After Sales Support
We are creating an established technical service network!

In order to meet the customer demands and needs that develop depending on the increasing number of active vehicles in the field, we have positioned authorized technical service personnel in Izmir in the Aegean Region and in Kocaeli in the Marmara Region. In this way, we can intervene in the field within a few hours in line with any need!

July 5
Our Active Autonomous Vehicle Count is 20!

We continue to gain new customers and work areas. We are rapidly expanding especially in Izmir - Manisa and Kocaeli with our autonomous vehicle fleets with fork-type and elevators!

October 4
First competition experience
Design Competition of Automotive Future 4th Place

4th place among more than 5000 startups in the international automotive design future competition and about 10,000 EUR Prize

November 9
We are in Europe!
We are in Europe! - Finland HQ

We were invited to Finland by Business Finland in August to move our business there. All necessary work was done, open project files were concluded and closed positively, the Turkish office was closed and we moved to Tampere, Finland. Our main goal is to be active in the European market.

December 12
We draw attention!
ITU Seed Big Bang 10th place

10th place among 8000 startups at İTÜ Çekirdek, one of the most prestigious acceleration programs in the world, and an award of more than 100,000 EUR

January 2
TAB+ AI Module: We position artificial intelligence at the center of our work!

Artificial intelligence studies are now a part of our work and vision. With the AI module, we aim to bring will and initiative to our smart autonomy system. We focused on creating a fast decision system on many issues such as load balance, route optimization, operational adaptations according to capacity and efficiency analyses, route and action scenario decisions according to perceived obstacles!

March 1
Company establishment
Hello Tabnomous Oy!

After all preparations were completed, our limited company with two partners was established in Tampere!

June 3
New Product
New Product: TAB+ Assist

In line with our market research and demand-need analysis in Europe, we designed and launched our new product that can quickly adapt to every market. TAB+ Assist was prepared in Lite, Expert, Pro and Advanced packages according to needs. We can say that it is a more compact version of the AVT Autonomous Operation Kit. We have created a system that detects the narrowing of the viewing angles of industrial vehicle operators such as forklifts and obstacles on the driving route while driving and absorbs these problems.

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