TAB+ Assist Advanced



Assist Advanced is an advanced Assist package that includes all the features of Assist Pro and is strengthened in terms of hardware and algorithms for very fast and intensive operations.

In the Assist Advanced system, instead of industrial safety type ultrasonic sensors, industrial type safety class 2D laser scanners are used. The vehicle can react more quickly and rapidly in possible danger situations, the vehicle movement speed can be stepped within the safe driving distance, etc. capabilities are available in this package. Area scanning made up to 10 meters away with ultrasonic sensors is made up to 64 meters with the area scanners in the Assist Advanced package.

With 2 industrial 2D security laser scanners placed diagonally in front and behind the vehicle on which the Assist Advanced system is installed, it detects obstacles and risks up to 64 meters in the maximum operating speed (30 km/h) and controls the speed of the industrial vehicle on which it is installed under strict conditions.

Product Features

  • Category: Operational Safety
  • Workspace: Indoor & Outdoor
  • Operation Type: Driving, Transport, Stacking
  • Max. Vehicle Speed: 30 km/h
  • Detection Distance: 64 m
  • On-Vehicle 2D Lidar: 2

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