TAB+ Assist Pro



Assist Pro is the most advanced package that allows individual and group-based vehicle operation and tracking, communicates with the vehicle, and integrates with environmental units, focused on the driving safety of industrial vehicles such as forklifts.

Assist Pro is an ideal product for safety monitoring in closed and open areas of warehouses, depots, transfer centers, and factories where fleet operation is present, where vehicle operation affects each other, where communication with on-site units is required, and where reporting is critical.

Effective Usage Area

Assist Pro is an ideal product for security surveillance of transportation and stacking operations performed at maximum vehicle speed (30 km/h) in closed and open areas of warehouses, depots, transfer centers and factories where there is a fleet structure, where the operation of vehicles affects each other, where communication with other software used in the field is required and where reporting is critical.

With 8 industrial type ultrasonic sensors placed in front and behind the Assist Pro industrial vehicle, it controls the speed of the industrial vehicle it is installed on under strict conditions by detecting obstacles and risks up to 10 meters in the case of driving at maximum operating speed (30 km/h).

Running Scenario

Assist Pro has a web-based user-friendly interface that enables or disables the Assist feature. Similarly, the Assist feature can be enabled or disabled with the button on the control module. Information such as vehicle operating time and logs of when the Assist feature is active during the operating time can be accessed from the interface. With the “Create a fleet” option on the interface, all vehicles with Assist Pro installed can be grouped together and the operating status, performance and reporting of these vehicles can be monitored and reports can be received in a single window. Assist Pro on each vehicle can be configured under different conditions depending on its own duties and areas of responsibility.

In certain areas of the pedestrian path and pedestrian crossing areas where Assist Pro installed vehicles operate, automatic slowing down of the vehicle without the driver's initiative can be done on a vehicle basis via the Assist Pro interface. When the defined pedestrian path or pedestrian crossing areas are approached, the maximum speed of the vehicle set in the interface for those areas becomes active and the vehicle does not exceed the set speed limit in that area even if the driver presses the gas pedal. Assist Pro also allows speed limits to be set in any area on the field. The speed of the Assist Pro installed vehicle continues at the limit determined via the interface throughout the desired sized area whose location is entered via the interface.

In the field where industrial vehicles using Assist Pro operate, safety zones are created via the Assist interface in front of or around the ends of elevators, automatic doors, and conveyors. In these areas, the maximum speed set for the vehicle with Assist installed is activated, and even if the driver presses the gas pedal, the vehicle does not exceed the set speed limit in that area. In this way, the possibility of collision, bumping, and touching in operation areas where the work is quite complex is also reduced to a minimum.

The Assist Pro module communicates with the interface via Wi-Fi. It communicates with additional equipment placed in the field for the detection of pedestrian paths, pedestrian crossings, elevators, automatic doors and conveyor end zones via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or LoRA. Therefore, the device must have access to an active internet connection in the field for the use of the interface. Even without interface communication, Assist Pro successfully performs its tasks on the vehicle. An active, non-continuous internet connection is required for the transfer of configurations such as zone definition, speed limitation and board assignment performed on the interface to the module.

Assist Pro can also communicate with the vehicle it is installed on and receive important data from the vehicle. It provides the user with the opportunity to report almost all the data required for performance and capacity monitoring, such as vehicle working hours, working hours, battery level monitoring, task-based battery consumption estimates, capacity utilization rates based on hours, shifts, days, months and years, creating comparative efficiency tables, etc.

Assist Pro has an integration infrastructure. In this way, it can also work with critical software and programs installed in the field. It can transfer the data it collects and the reports it creates to WMS and ERP structures. It also enables the collected data to be transferred with different methods and in more detail by being integrated with Power BI. Assist Pro only has an integration infrastructure. The necessary work for integration with the relevant peripheral software units is done and implemented externally.


Core Competencies

  • Bi-directional operation
  • Up to 10 m obstacle detection
  • Sudden braking system
  • Automatic braking system
  • Braking control up to 30 km/h (Maximum operating speed: 10)
  • Ramp deceleration
  • Protection Class: IP67
  • Single button active/passive conversion
  • Web-based advanced reporting screen
  • Access option via IOS and Android mobile application
  • Wifi remote connection infrastructure
  • Pedestrian path and pedestrian crossing control
  • Elevator, conveyor, door passage control
  • Blind spot control
  • Web & mobile based fleet tracking and management
  • Lora infrastructure
  • ERP & WMS integration option
  • Power BI reporting integration option
  • Regional speed limit definition option
  • Vehicle working time tracking
  • Efficiency and capacity tracking

Product Features

  • Category: Operational Safety
  • Workspace: Indoor & Outdoor
  • Operation Type: Driving, Transport, Stacking
  • Max. Vehicle Speed: 30 km/h
  • Detection Distance: 10 m
  • On-Vehicle Sensor: 10

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